and LinksPuRK Energy’s Corporate Profile is available for download here

PuRK Energy’s Corporate Profile (French Version) is available for download here
Phone: +27 72 561 8539
Office: Unit 3, Block 1, Rivonia Close Office Park,
320 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, Johannesburg
Department of Energy
The Department of Energy is responsible for ensuring exploration, development, processing, utilisation and management of South Africa’s energy sources. As the country’s economy continues to grow, energy is increasingly becoming a key focus.
The department’s has various mandates bur the ones that we are are interested in are:
Ensuring evidence-based planning, policy setting and investment decisions in the energy sector to improve energy security through supply- and demand-side management options and increase competition through regulation.
Managing, coordinating and monitoring of programmes and projects focused on access to energy.
Managing and facilitating the development and implementation of clean and renewable energy initiatives as well as EEDSM.
Phone: +27 +27 12 406 8000
Office: 192 Visagie Street, Corner Paul Kruger & Visagie Street, Pretoria
Reach Us
Let's collaborate in waste-to-energy projects
Unit 3, Block 1, Rivonia Close Office Park,
320 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, Johannesburg